What is Wild Courage?  What does it look like? My friend Carla, and I were talking and we came up with one of my favorite definitions. Wild Courage is finding out the truth instead of believing your own lie. That kind of Courage surely is Wild and deserves to be capitalized.

In the last year my own call to Wild Courage has resulted in some amazing changes both within and without. The challenges have been large and also what we would normally call small.

Nine months ago while sitting on my porch drinking coffee, Wild Courage whispered, “It’s ok to let go.” It was only a whisper but it rocked my soul. I sat crying and wondering. And I whispered back, “Yes.”

Shortly thereafter, my sweetie and I committed to a major move, buying and selling homes in a matter of days. The next few months were a wild and wonderful ride that landed us in a new chapter of our lives. Trust me when I say that I could not have planned a more perfect unfolding. It was hard work. At times it was scary, frustrating, and overwhelming. But it was always RIGHT. That sense of RIGHT was what guided me and provided ease through the unease. It was what calmed my crazy thoughts and overactive brain when I began to question and worry. Support showed up in ways beyond anything I could have wished for.  We wake up each morning startled with how well our new life fits us now and how good that feels.

This week, Wild Courage has looked smaller but no less significant or powerful. It has meant trusting my own energy and intuition on scheduling my day. Wild Courage has meant honoring my own wants and the body I get to live in. What is really important to me? Can I let it be important to me and unimportant to others? Can I live within the limits of my own body and energy, even when it’s inconvenient to someone else?

I have been watching this same process unfold with my clients. Wild Courage is challenging them in new ways. It is asking for a new level of commitment to themselves. Wild Courage always feels expansive and freeing but it also feels a little scary.  Wild Courage sees the truth instead of the lie. Wild Courage rocks the boat.

Because Wild Courage rocks the boat and is challenging, we often need support to take the risk, make the commitment to ourselves, and step out.

I have no idea what Wild Courage you are being called to but I know that it is calling out to more and more of us. Wild Courage may be asking for something big. Or perhaps you are wanting to step out in smaller ways.  It could be that you feel the nudge and you don’t know what it means yet. There is NO Wildly Courageous step that does not change you and your world.

Whatever your situation, if you are feeling the nudge or push to try something new, I would love to help you.


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