

Leslie_Vanderpool_Quote_LightI have a confession.  I love to read.  Books have been my friends and taken me places I would never have gone.  They have quite honestly changed my life.  And whenever I read something wonderful, spot-on, or juicy, I want to tell everyone I know.  So here they are, some of my favorite books.  Feel free to make a new friend.



“Finding Your Own North Star” by Martha Beck

“Steering By Starlight” by Martha Beck

“The Joy Diet” by Martha Beck

“The Four –Day Win” by Martha Beck

“Finding Your Way in a Wild New World – Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want” by Martha Beck

“Loving What Is” by Byron Katie

“Who Would You Be Without Your Story?” by Byron KatieDragons

“Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown

“The Gift of Imperfection” by Brene Brown

“Self-Compassion” by Kristin Neff Ph.D.



“Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That can’t Stop Talking“ by Susan Cain

“Kaline Klattermaster’s Treehouse” by Haven Kimmel (A humorous and kind look at ADD/ADHD)

“The Tao Of Equus” by Linda Kohanov



“Help, Thanks, Wow” By Anne LaMott

”The Power of Now –A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment” by Eckhart TolleIgnite_imagination

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho



“The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron

“Life is A Verb – 37 Days to Wake up, Be Mindful and Live Intentionally” by Patti Digh



“THE Mind Body Code – How to Change the Beliefs that Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success” by Dr. Mario Martinez

“Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises” by David BerceliBooks_magic

“Trauma” by David Berceli

“Healing Trauma” by Peter Levine



“Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert

“Cathedral Of The Wild” by Boyd Varty

“Stephanie Plum Mysteries” by Janet Evonovich


A more recent discovery of mine has been TED talks and their love child, TEDx talks. Maybe some of you know about these, or you may have even been a part of them. I discovered them last year. And I LOVE THEM!!! Really fabulous people share their really fabulous ideas in 20 minutes or less, and the subjects are diverse.

“TED” stands for “technology, entertainment and design,” and their slogan is “ideas worth spreading.”   They were so popular that similar events with the same idea sprang up under the title “TEDx.” These can be found on YouTube. Check these out – I’d love to know what you think.

Jill Bolte Taylor-Stroke of Insight TEDtalksDirector

Koelle Simpson TEDxSanDiego

Lissa Rankin-Any of her talks about health

Kristin Neff, Ph.D.- Self-Compassion

The Space BetweenSelf-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff TEDX Centennial Park Women

Hack Schooling Makes Me Happy: Logan LaPlante at TEDX University of Nevada

Brené Brown-Any and all of her TED talks on shame or vulnerability

P.S. I hope you found something that feels like joy and freedom to you.  Or maybe you found something that helped you remember a dream or desire that has been patiently waiting?  If you want to explore that more or ask questions, leave me a message and we can connect.  Or go on over to my Work With Me page if you know you are ready to get started.

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