
Leslie Vanderpool

“Pain is inevitable.  Suffering is optional.”  ~ Haruki Murakami


l have lived many variations of life not going the way I wanted it to, or thought it should.  I have resisted and kicked my way through lots of it.  I have played the victim, the enabler, the angry woman.  I have lived with drugs, alcohol, ADD, OCD, depression, and anxiety. I have lost people I loved and jobs I cared about.   And while I would not have chosen most of it, today I wouldn’t trade it.  I now KNOW how to find peace in chaos, happiness in hardship, forgiveness in pain, and love, joy, and hope in my life.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t live there all the time, but I know how to come home to me now.  I know how to lead my life, create my opportunities, and write my own story.  I know how to listen to my desires, let myself dream, and I am willing to dare.


“Changes that are loved into being are permanent.” ~ Dr. Christiane Northrup

For those that like facts, this is for you.  I am a wife and a mother of grown children.  I have a Master’s degree in Social Work.  I am a Certified Life Coach, an Equus Coach, and a Globally Certified TRE Facilitator.

I love: travel, adventure, animals, learning, reading, watching people find a bit of freedom, dreaming up new adventures, my horse, my cats…  And last, but far from least, I love my family and my friends.  Without them my life would not be nearly as much fun.

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.ICF MemberCertfied Seal leftLeslie_Vanderpool_TRE_Certified_Facilitator


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